Preparing for a first shrooms trip

Preparing for a first psychedelic trip
Psychedelics increase humans connection with nature

Are you preparing for a first shrooms trip? Are you new to psychedelics? We talked to the pros at the Zendo Project and tapped into psychedelic culture for tips on how to prepare for your trip. The movement to decriminalize psychedelics gaining increasing steam, and the talk of psilocybin mushrooms is in the air. After contributing to this buzz with an article about their therapeutic benefits, I decided to take advantage of them myself.

I have a storied history with ‘shrooms so I didn’t do much planning or research. But realized afterward that I could have had a much better experience if I had. Nothing went wrong, but I’d forgotten my list of rules—gathered during college.

We’ll get into experiential tips preparing for a first shrooms trip—mirrors are a thing—from the culture side, but first, let’s get some advice from the professionals. Read on to help ensure an enjoyable and safe psychedelic trip.

Tips to preparing for a first shrooms trip from the professionals

The Zendo Project is an organization sponsored by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). They focus on psychedelic harm reduction. They acknowledge that millions of people every year experience psychedelics. This is outside of a supervised medical context and work to ensure people do them as safely as possible. In effect, people can now get tips on preparing for a first shrooms trip which should give them a good time with magic mushrooms.

“An increasing number of cities and states are decriminalizing psychedelic substances like psilocybin. Many people are learning about the potential therapeutic benefits of certain psychedelics. This is wonderful. It is also equally important to be aware of the risks inherent in the use of any psychoactive substance. So that people who choose to use them can be informed of their effects,” said Sara Gael.

What does it feel like? – Preparing for a first shrooms trip

When asked to describe the experience Gael said, “Psilocybin significantly alters perception of reality. Effects can range from positive to negative and are unique to every individual. Some effects of psilocybin include elevated mood or euphoria, creativity, spiritual experiences. Dissolution of the ego and altered perception of oneself, their environment. Altered perception of time, and increased sensitivity to outside stimulus.”

“Some negative or adverse effects can include fear, disorientation, confusion, paranoia, physical discomfort, or nausea,” said Gael. “Effects of psilocybin last between 4-7 hours with after effects lasting up to 6 hours post-journey depending on dosage.”

Be in a good headspace | Preparing for a first shrooms trip

Firstly, “If you choose to take psilocybin, take into consideration your past and present mental and emotional wellness and health. Psilocybin can precipitate or exacerbate latent or existing mental disorders,” said Gael.

Since it’s also therapeutic for some mental illnesses this might sound confusing. Also, psilocybin has also been known to trigger psychotic episodes. So it’s wise to know your family history.

Have a buddy

Secondly, because of these risks, Gael suggests teaming up with someone who knows the ropes. You should plan to have a sober sitter and start with a small dose if you are preparing for a first shrooms trip. Your sitter should have experience with the substance itself so that you can have a safe psychedelic trip. And ideally should have assisted others through experiences in the past. They should be someone you know and are comfortable with and feel safe with.”

Set and setting

Lastly, the who and where of the situation should also be carefully selected. “Don’t do psychedelics if you are in an unsafe environment or with people you don’t trust.” She recommends being selective about your set and setting. She said “Limiting external stimulus is a good idea.”

Here are some of the experimental tips outlined by Have a good trip, the Netflix documentary

Don’t drive

The first rule of thumb for a safe psychedelic trip is “don’t drive,” which Gael alludes to in her suggestion to limit external stimulus. But it’s something worth spelling out clearly—your reality will be very distorted, so do not drive any sort of vehicle. Getting arrested because you didn’t know what to do when the stoplight turned purple wouldn’t lead to a good and safe psychedelic trip. This is a great tip preparing for a first shrooms trip as it reduces the risks of any accidents.


Another tip from the film is “Don’t look into the mirror,” which is later countered by, “Do look in the mirror”—and this is no mistake. Skin can look bizarre on ‘shrooms, and staring at yourself can really freak you out … or entertain you endlessly. Choose wisely. This greatly counts in preparing for a shrooms trip too

Set and setting (again)

The film also suggests you control set and setting. Make sure that you’re safe and comfortable. Also you should have clothes too!—and that no one will disturb you as long as you’re prepared with everything you’ll need, like water, a place to use the restroom, etc.

Personal items

Personally, I wouldn’t do mushrooms without a notebook and markers as it will turn out i am not preparing for a shrooms trip. Having a music playlist (think tunes from the ’60s and/or songs you enjoy when stoney) is also a great idea. Television can also be crazy looking when on mushrooms, with humans turning cartoons and other fun. If that appeals, pick out a flick with good vibes that you’ve already seen. Art, gorgeous fabric, and other fun-to-look at things are also great to have around to ensure a safe psychedelic trip.


And of course, going into nature is ideal. Just make sure you won’t be disturbed, that the area is familiar, and that you are safe and have everything you will need before setting out.

Enjoy the trip | Safe psychedelic trip

Their final tip, and ours, is: “Just hang on, man.” When Gael tells us that we’ll likely experience dissolution of the ego, she’s being the part of your mind responsible for reality testing. The sense of personal identity may temporarily fall away, leaving you one with everything, connected to all of existence. As a result, you get a safe psychedelic trip you wouldn’t forget in a hurry.

It’s beautiful. Usually. It can get weird, so just hang in there. Remember you’re tripping, and just go with it. Don’t fight the journey, just let it lead.